Join Our September BioBlitz

Calling all wildlife enthusiasts! Flamingo Land is holding a BioBlitz from Friday 20th to Saturday 21st September and we want you to join in.
You don’t have to be an expert on British wildlife or have any equipment – you just need to come along and use your eyes and ears to help us spot as many species of wildlife as possible around the park.
A BioBlitz is a fun, outdoor event where members of the public can join experts to spot and identify as many species of plants, birds, insects, mammals, fungi and anything else in a very short time. These swift, intensive surveys provide a snapshot of the wildlife in a particular area and the results can be fed into national databases that help to monitor our native wildlife. Anyone is welcome to join in and what you learn can help you identify the wildlife on your own doorstep.
The BioBlitz starts at noon on Friday 20th and finishes at noon on Saturday 21st. Both days will include opportunities for guided walks with Flamingo Land staff members as well as craft activities in the Education Centre. And if you’d rather just look round in your own time, you can still help us out by remembering anything you’ve seen and letting us know so we can add it to our count for the day. Sadly, spotting things like the tigers doesn’t count, but if you see any birds, butterflies, bees or wild plants on your way round Flamingo Land, please drop by the Education Centre and let us know. There will be several wildlife experts on hand to help identify anything you’ve spotted and a range of ID guides will be available to consult in the Education Centre if you want to identify things for yourself.
Previous BioBlitzes at Flamingo Land have identified over 200 species of wildlife and it would be wonderful to add more to the list. In the last few years our conservation department has put in place nest boxes for birds, wildflower areas and bat boxes to make the park a better habitat for all kinds of species of wildlife. A BioBlitz is one way of showing that these efforts have been successful and that species of all kinds are thriving here. If you would like to take part in our latest BioBlitz, come along to Flamingo Land on either the Friday or Saturday and drop by the Education Centre to see what’s going on. You’ll have to be up early on Saturday though – don’t forget that it all stops at noon!
If you would like more information, please email [email protected].