They’re Live! Websites Add a Whole New Dimension for Visitors

After months of hard work behind the scenes, today finally sees our two new websites go live! We hope you’ll all agree this moves both Flamingo Land Park & Zoo and Flamingo Land Resort into a whole new dimension, bringing us far closer to visitors old and new.
Over the coming months both sites will continue to evolve, delivering all the latest news, an interactive park map, more exciting photos and further information about our fantastic animals, sensational rides and unmissable entertainment. Later in the year we’ll also be launching a regular email newsletter, plus exclusive offers and events for online subscribers. So don’t miss out, use the form on the home page to register with us today!
Flamingo Land’s Head of Marketing, Mark Crane, is delighted with the results, commenting “Both new and returning visitors will now be able to get a far better idea of what the theme park, zoo and resort truly offer. With so much to see and do it’s often difficult to know what to enjoy next. The new sites should help everyone plan their day, allowing them to get the most from their visit”.
The whole team hopes everyone will enjoy exploring Flamingo Land’s online world. With so many additions planned it’ll be well worth a look every few weeks to see what’s new. However, we’re keen to hear what you think too, so please drop us an email at [email protected] with your thoughts, ideas and comments. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon!