We’re All Going Pirate Mad!

Pirates of Zanzibar – our newest attraction for summer 2016 – will be unveiled in just a matter of weeks and as we’re all going pirate mad here at Flamingo Land we thought we’d share some top pirate facts with you!
Hope you like them and gets you in the mood for your visit to Zanzibar!
- A pirate is a person who commits a crime at sea and usually is not very nice about it!
- Pirates were not always that clever – they wore earrings because they thought they improved their eye site!
- Grog is a typical drink enjoyed by pirates. It was usually their favourite tipple rum, diluted with water or beer and sugar and spices added to give it a little more zing!
- The black flag with Skull and Crossbones upon was known as the Jolly Roger flag and was also a very popular name for pirate ships
- 19th September is International ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day’ when you can chat all day using phrases like ‘Ah ah me hearties!’ You could even change the language on your Facebook page to Pirate. Honestly!
- Pirates believed that having women on board would bring them bad luck.
- We’re not sure, but we think pirates probably didn’t have talking parrots!
- Blackbeard, the most famous pirate of all, had a much less scary real name – Edward Teach.
- Pirates did apparently have eye patches because it helped to keep one eye adjusted to seeing in the dark.
- And to finish – here’s a little pirate joke! How much does a pirate pay for his earrings? A buck an ear! (buccaneer) – There’ll be more of these to come over the next few weeks!
* We can’t of course verify some of these facts as we don’t know any pirates personally. Yet! 😉