Yo Ho Ho! – Pirates Are Coming To Play!

Work is well underway on our new attraction for this summer ‘Pirates of Zanzibar’ which will be an amazing display to delight all the family.
The amazing show will take place three times a day and feature swashbuckling entertainment from our troublesome Tanzanian Spice Pirates!
As the cannon fires you know that the show is about to start and the Captain of the ship will begin his story. But minutes in, the pirates attack and the battle commences as they try to take control of the ship, and claim the spices for themselves!
With music, trampolines, acrobatics, pyrotechnics, smoke and water it will get your pulses racing and feel like a little of Zanzibar has arrived in the Yorkshire countryside.
And, it’s not just about the show… our pirates will be out and about in Plaza Square and Metropolis. Be sure to keep your wits about you as pirates are well known for creating mischief and mayhem wherever they go!
Take a peek as you go past now but be sure to visit after the 2nd July when our pirates will be out to play in the summer sunshine!