VIP Pass & VIP Pass Junior Package
Choose from the VIP Ride Pass where you can enjoy five of our most popular thrill rides, or the VIP Ride Pass Junior Package where you can enjoy 6 of our most popular kids and family rides. VIP Passes can be purchased ‘on the day’ from our VIP Pass Kiosk.

VIP Ride Pass
Enjoy our 5 most popular thrill rides without the queues!
VIP Ride Pass Junior Package
Enjoy our 6 most popular kids and family rides without the queues!
How it works
Buy your VIP Ride Pass at the Queue Buster Outlet in the main Plaza for only £50 per person.
Skip the queue for the attraction you wish to ride first by waiting in the ride exit area.
You can use your VIP Pass to access rides in any order but please leave an hour between each use. During this time, you are welcome to use any of our other rides or attractions using the queue lines.
Terms and Conditions
In the event that any ride in the VIP experience is unavailable all day, pass holders can take a second VIP ride on any of the other rides listed. • Please let the rides team know that you are swapping a ride due to a closure.
Your pass admits one person to VIP access to the rides listed above for one ride only, and is non transferable. • At busy times there may be a short queue at the rides exit.
Please take care of your card as lost of damaged cards cannot be replaced..