Dik Dik

Kirk’s dik-diks are tiny antelopes that are typically yellowish-gray to reddish-brown on its back and grayish-white on their belly. Males have small ringed horns, which are often concealed by a tuft of hair on their forehead.

These antelopes have large, dark eyes surrounded by a white ring. They have preorbital glands which appear as a black spot below the inside corner of each eye. These glands produce a dark, sticky secretion used to scent-mark their territories.

Because of its small size, this animal is vulnerable to many predators. Their only defense is their speed. They can run up to 26mph. Also, they run in a zig-zagging pattern to try to escape. If a predator is not able to mimic this zig-zagging pattern, it can give this small antelope the seconds it needs to get away.

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