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Asian Short-Clawed Otter
Out of the 13 species of otters in the world, the Asian short clawed otter is the smallest, reaching...
Black Rhinoceros
The black rhino is one of the five species of rhino. Despite its name, this rhino is usually grey...
Banded Mongoose
In the wild, these mongoose would be found in Sub-Saharan Africa in savannah and woodland areas. Their diet consists...
Kafue Lechwe
Kafue Lechwe can only be found in the Kafue Flats area in Zambia, Africa. These lechwe live specifically in...
Sugar Glider
Sugar gliders are palm-size possums that can glide half the length of a soccer pitch in one trip. Their...
California Sea Lion
Clumsy on land, but changing to graceful acrobats once in the ocean, a sea lion in the water is...
Lesser Hedgehog Tenrecs
There are 25 species of tenrec which are mostly found on Madagascar, but some are native to mainland Africa....
Visayan Warty Pig
Visayan warty pigs share characteristics typical in wild pigs. They possess medium-sized, barrel-shaped bodies and short legs. They have...
African Lion
The African lion is a very large cat. Lions once roamed throughout southern Europe, Africa and southwest Asia. Today...
White Rhinoceros
The White Rhino can grow as tall as 6.5 feet (2 metres) and 13 feet (4 metres) long. It...
Cape Porcupine
Our porcupines live alongside our meerkats and their diet is predominantly a wide variety of vegetables. Porcupines are monogamous...
Grants Zebra
You can find three different species of zebra in the wild, namely Plains zebra, mountain zebra and Grevy’s zebra....
Swamp Wallaby
Our swamp wallabies are located in our wallaby walkway, however in the wild they are found mostly down the...
Patagonian Mara
The Patagonian Mara is like no other rodent you’ve seen. However, with long hare-like ears and a body resembling...
Western Grey Kangaroo
The Western Grey is one of the largest and most common species of Kangaroo and is suited to life...
Brazilian Tapir
The tapir is related to the horse and rhinoceros. Today’s tapirs closely resemble those found roaming the Earth 35...
Sumatran Tiger
The Sumatran tiger is the smallest of the tigers, compared to the Siberian tiger which is the largest. The...
Parma Wallaby
The Parma wallaby is grey-brown in colour, with white fur covering the chest and throat.
Both males and females have...
Red Bellied Lemur
The red bellied lemur has dark brown fur with a black tail, and the males have white bare patches...
Mongoose Lemur
The mongoose lemur is fairly small with soft bushy fur which is grey in colour with lighter bellies. The...
Hamadryas Baboon
The baboon is the largest type of monkey. Hamadryas baboons originate from Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen. They...
Rothschild’s Giraffe
There are currently 9 different sub-species of giraffes roaming the plains of Africa. One of the most endangered are...
Scimitar-horned Oryx
Scimitar-horned Oryx were once widespread throughout the semi-desert north and south of the Sahara, but are now extinct in...
Ring Tailed Lemur
This species is very easy to distinguish, with its grey/brown fur on its back, white fronts, black eyes, and...
White-faced Saki Monkey
Living in small family groups with one male, one female and their offspring, these primates are very different in...
The hippopotamus, literally translated, means river horse. They spend their days in water as their skin is very susceptible...
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