Asian Water Monitor Lizard

Water Monitors are members of the Varanid family, which includes the largest and heaviest of all lizards.

They rank just below the Komodo dragon in size, reaching over 180cm in length.

As their name suggests, they are rarely found far from water and are powerful swimmers.

This ability has allowed them to colonize many islands in the Indonesian Archipelago.

They are also string climbers capable of leaping from tree to tree when attempting to escape from predators.

Water monitors breed all year round, with the female laying between 6-20 eggs, depending on her size.

These are deposited in tree hollows and disused animal burrows. Another popular location is inside termite mounds, requiring their powerful front legs and sharp claws to excavate walls.


Least Concerned

Near Threatened



Critically Endangered

Extinct In The Wild

Asian Water Monitor Lizard Image Gallery